If you take the time to read the ingredients on your process food packages, you will soon realize that soy is in almost EVERYTHING!

Often the easiest way to remove soy from your life is to switch the protein source. Because soy is often used in foods to boost protein you can simply switch it out for another protein source. Instead of tofu grab some chicken, fish, or other meat.

If you are vegetarian or vegan, it’s possible you have turned to soy for your primary source of protein. While soy is high in protein, soybeans are typically the most difficult beans to digest.

Vegetarian/Vegan Soy-free protein options:

Beans. Beans contain a more complete set of amino acids than other plant foods. Use fresh beans that are smaller, like split peas, mung, and adzuki beans if you’re not used to eating beans. To make them easier to digest, soak them overnight, add spices or vinegar, skim off cooking foam, pressure cook, instant pot or pure and eat small amounts.

Green Peas:  Foods in the legume family are good sources of vegetarian protein, and peas are no exception: One cup contains 7.9 grams about the same as a cup of milk. Foods in the legume family are good sources of vegetarian protein, and peas are no exception: One cup contains 7.9 grams about the same as a cup of milk.

Quinoa: Most grains contain a small amount of protein, but quinoa technically a seed is unique in that it contains more than 8 grams per cup. Try this delicious goddess bowl!

Grains: A staple in all civilizations around the world. Whole grains, such as rice, millet, quinoa, buckwheat, oats, and oatmeal, are much different from processed grains. Be aware that increasing grains can sometimes increase inflammation in the body so be mindful when consuming more grains.

Nuts: Generally considered a fat, not a protein. Great for people who want to gain weight. Peanuts, which are actually legumes, are far higher in protein than any nuts. Be mindful that peanuts can cause inflammation due to their high lectin and mold content.

Protein bars: Read Labels! Not all protein bars are created equal. Many contain a lot of chemicals and unnatural sweeteners. Try not to use protein bars as a meal replacement. Check out these easy homemade fruit-free energy bars.

Protein powder. Check for high-quality ingredients. Not recommended in large amounts; eat whole, natural foods as much as possible. I like Vega Sport or Orgain.

Ways to upgrade soy in other food products:

Instead of soy milk, try your favorite nut or seed-based milk. Think coconut or almond. You can also try oat or rice milk.

Instead of soy ice cream, there are delicious coconut and almond-based ice creams on the market. Our favorite is CoconutBliss and SoDelicious Ice cream.

Crazy about soy sauce? Don’t worry! You can enjoy Coconut Aminos and it’s just as delicious!

If you are out to sushi and just have to order the edamame, a close second is an Asian green bean dish like Szechuan beans.

Instead of a soy-based veganaise, just switch to the soy-free version of Vegenaise.

Do you like eating veggie burgers made from soy? An alternative we love is Hillary’s Root veggie burger and Sunshine Burgers.

However, if you don’t have a soy intolerance and want to consume soy safely, here are three soy foods you can enjoy.

NOTE * Sadly, soybeans are one of the most genetically engineered crops in our country (about 95%) so if you do happen to eat soy, it is important to get organic.

  1. miso (to make soup, dressings for fish and salads)
  2. tempeh (a fermented soy and grain product to replace tempeh that tastes like a veggie burger)
  3. tamari (a wheat-free soy sauce)

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