Removing meat from your diet can be incredibly overwhelming, especially if you have been a life long meat eater. However, for those sensitive to meat, eliminating meat from your diet can be a life-changer!

Now that you will be opting for the ‘vegetarian’ menu, here are some important tips to continue to eat a well rounded and balanced diet.

Easy Substitutions for Meat in Meals:

  • Are you planning to order the tofu? WAIT! Because soy is so highly processed and difficult to digest, we suggest steering clear unless it’s undergone fermentation. Think Tempeh and Tamari!
  • Are you missing a hearty soup? Beans are a great alternative. We like split peas, mung, and adzuki beans.
  • Are you missing the texture of meat? A portobello mushroom burger just might do the trick! Or an old fashion Eggplant Parmesan is oh-so-delicious.
  • Are you worried about protein? Quinoa is the grain highest in protein and has 8 grams of protein per cup.

Snacks, Breakfast, and Protein Bars:

    • Perfect Foods Bar: Refrigeration section at store or Costco. Sweetened with honey. Whey protein.
    • Rise Bar: Almond butter + Whey. Gluten-free/soy-free. Vegan options.
    • Good ON Ya Bar: “Every ingredient matters” is their motto.
    • RX Bar: Clean ingredients. Egg white protein
    • GO Macro Bar: Very filling, and they are a good combination of protein/fat/carb.
  • Nuts are also a smart way to get some healthy fats and protein into your diet. We love walnuts, cashews, or pecans. Do you best to eat nuts that are raw and organic!
  • Love your breakfast smoothie? Instead of using collagen protein, use a whey, brown rice, or pea protein. We like Warrior Foods, Vega Sport or Orgain
  • Think about SEAFOOD! This is a great place to get in your healthy omega 3 fats. If you want to get creative, try making salmon cakes, crab cakes, or adding sardines or anchovies to your diet.

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