The following information will help you learn about the top five foods that cause “food sensitivity.”  We will cover what these foods are, what symptoms you may feel, where you would find the foods, and how to avoid them. 

Food sensitivities are typically the result of an immune response to a specific food allergen. Once you eat a certain food, your body triggers a cascade of reactions that lead to a variety of complications.  Some of these reactions are very obvious, like bloating or skin issues. However, often the reactions are difficult to notice. Food sensitivity may be the root cause of all kinds of conditions in the body!

We have great resources for food allergy and sensitivity testing here.

Top 5 most common food sensitivities overview


  1. Gluten = inflammation. Subsequently, this causes weight gain and throws off metabolism.
  2. Gluten can cause leaky gut (poor digestion and absorption), depression, skin problems, and autoimmunity (especially thyroid).
  3. 50-70% of people are sensitive to gluten. However, they may not even know it.

More on gluten and wheat here.


  1. Most people have a difficult time digesting milk and milk products (about 75%)
  2. Conventional dairy has trace amounts of hormones and antibiotics.
  3. Dairy contributes to acne, sinus congestion, ear infections, and constipation.

Find dairy substitutions here.


  1. In 1913 soy was listed on the USDA handbook as industrial production, not food.
  2. Soy = phytoestrogen (plant estrogen) and can throw off the thyroid and hormonal balance.
  3. Soy is 91% genetically modified (GMO) in the US.

More information on soy here.


  1. 88% of corn in the USA is GMO.
  2. Most of our corn consumption comes from high fructose syrup. Therefore, processed foods contain large quantities of high fructose syrup.
  3. Corn is high in omega 6 fatty acids, which are pro-inflammatory.

More on corn here.


  1. You are what you eat, and most chickens are eating gluten, soy, and corn.
  2. There are four proteins in one egg. So, you can be sensitive to any of them. They are ovomucoid, ovalbumin, ovotransferrin, and lysozyme.
  3. Reactions can include skin conditions, breathing issues, stomach pain, or rarely anaphylaxis.

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