The gut is a single layer of cells supported by a network of related systems and cells to permit the passage of nutrients and maintain a barrier against harmful substances and organisms.

Complex or elaborate food combining can lead to digestive problems such as:

  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Decreased nutrient assimilation
  • Abdominal pain
  • Swelling
  • Contaminated blood
  • Mental fog
  • Fatigue

Our Food Empowerment Food Combining Guidelines


  1. Eat fruit alone. Fruit that is eaten alone may be digested better.
  2. Melons: Eat it alone or leave it alone! Melons ferment fast, so if you have this as a dessert after a large meal, it can be a huge problem. Have you ever consumed watermelon after a BBQ feast? Most likely, you experienced gas, a slight blood sugar drop, or nausea. That is because not only are melons digest entirely different than other sweet treats. For optimal digestion, melons should be consumed alone and on an empty stomach.
  3. Separate fruit and grain. Fruit and grain tend to compete for digestion. They have a similar digestion rate, but because the grain is heavier, it usually will win. This leaves the fruit to sit on top of the grain and ferment. The result is typically bloating, discomfort in the gut, and gas.
  4. Separate fruit and sugar. Fruit has fructose and sugar is sucrose. Often, when eaten together, fruit and sugar can compete for sugar metabolism and cause fatigue, quick blood sugar changes and gas.


  1. Skip the meat + potatoes. Most people do not digest protein and starches together very well.  Because the human body requires acid to digest proteins and more alkaline environment to digest starches, this can lengthen the time of digestion and cause fermentation in the gut. This can lead to bloating, indigestion, and stinky bowel movements. This means that proteins are best with veggies like leafy greens or non-starchy vegetables.
  2. When in doubt, go green. Greens are one of those foods that is safe no matter what! They are full of amino acids (building blocks of protein), essential minerals and nutrients (B vitamins, magnesium, iron, and more!), and fiber (great for digestion). Therefore, greens should make a regular appearance on your plate. This means a salad is a perfect complement to any meal.
  3. Don’t be afraid of the fat! Fats and oils combine well with everything (except fruit). Just remember they take the longest amount of time to digest, so having a larger breakfast or lunch is smarter than having a large dinner. We love the phrase eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper.

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